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Labour law


1. Legal assistance and advice on various aspects of contractual employment relationships;
2. Drafting of contracts, agreements, notifications;
3. Assistance in negotiating employment contracts for both employer and employee;
4. Legal assistance and representation in the drafting and drafting of employment contracts, exclusivity clauses, professional qualification, mobility, confidentiality;
5. Assistance and representation before the competent courts in the resolution of labour disputes;
6. Legalization and enforcement of the provisions of court decisions.

Foreign citizens

1. Initial analysis and evaluation of the documentation to determine the appropriate visa type;

2. Assistance in obtaining a work visa, study visa or business visa;

3. Analysis of the specific immigration needs of family members that expatriates employed in Romania wish to relocate with them;

4. Support in obtaining permanent residence;

5. Providing advice for situations such as planned trips outside Romania;

6. Assistance in obtaining registration certificates for EU/EEA/Swiss Confederation citizens and residence cards for their family members;

7. Support in maintaining relations with relevant institutions;

8. Obtaining work permits / right of residence / setting up companies for non-EU citizens.


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